Coconut Special (Liquid)

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Sold by shree ram

Rs356.40 /1Ltr
(500 available)
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  • Controls button shedding (Premature nuts), Induces resistance against mites damage.
  • It helps in faster assimilation of nutrients and thus increases the metabolic rate of the plants.
  • Corrects nutrient deficiency, disorders, crown choke and pencil point disorders thereby increasing the yield.
  • Compatible with most of the commonly used pesticides



  • Liquid fertilizer containing all essential micronutrients.


  • Coconut

Dosage & Methods of Application

  • Foliar Spray  Mix 2.5 ml of Coconut Special liquid in one litre of water and spray on the fronds of the coconut trees thoroughly.
  • Soil Drenching: Mix 3 to 5 ml of Coconut Special liquid in one litre of water and pour the prepared solution at the rate of 5 to 8 litres for non-yielding coconut trees and 10 litres for yielding trees.
  • For one acre mix 2 litres of Coconut Special
  • Fertigation: liquid in 200 litres of water and fertigate.
  • Root Feeding: For better growth and development of coconut trees mix 25 ml of Coconut Special liquid in 30 ml of water and take this solution in a polythene bag (7x10 cms).
  • Select a healthy root of the coconut tree and cut the tip of the root and insert this root into the polythene bag so that root comes in contact with the solution of the bag tie the mouth of the polythene bag around the root with thread so that solution will not come out from the bag.

Available Package

  • 1 litre & 5 litre

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