Multiplex Bio-Jodi

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Sold by shree ram

Rs445.00 /1
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  • Multiplex Bio-Jodi controls rice blast and sheath blight of paddy, early and late blight of Tomato Chilli and Potato, Bio-Jodi controls root and stem rot caused by Sclerotium and Rhizoctonia also wilts and leaf spots caused by fungi and bacteria


Active Ingredients

  • Bacillus spp. & Pseudomonas spp. (Min. 2x109 CFU /ml for Liquid Based & min. 5x108 CFU /gm for Carrier Based)

Mode of Action

  • Multiplex Bio-Jodi produces a group of antibiotics, which helps to compete with other plant pathogenic microorganisms by either killing them or suppressing their growth.
  • It also has direct fungicidal and bactericidal affects.

Target Crops

  • All crops

Dosage & Methods of Application

  • For liquid based: 2 liters per acre
  • For Carrier based: 2 to 5 kg per acre
  • Seeds Treatment: Mix 10 g of Multiplex Bio- Jodi in 10 ml of water and mix this solution to coat 1 kg of seed to form a uniform coating.
  • Nursery: Mix 10 g of Multiplex Bio-Jodi in one litre of water and drench the nursery bed.
  • Seedling Dipping: Mix 20 g of Multiplex Bio-Jodi in one litre of water and dip the seedlings for 30 minutes in this solution and then transplant.
  • Foliar Spray: Mix 5 g or 3 ml of Multiplex Bio-Jodi in 1 litre of water and spray. We recommend 2 to 3 sprays at 15 days interval. Do not use any chemical fungicide / bactericide at least 7 to 10 days before or after use of Multiplex Bio-Jodi.
  • Soil Application: Mix 2 to 5 kgs / 2 litres of Multiplex Bio-Jodi in 120 to 150 kg of Multiplex Annapurna / Farmyard Manure and broadcast over one acre.
  • Maintain adequate moisture at the time of application and thereafter up to 15 days.

Available Package

  • Liquid: 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, & 1 Ltr
  • Powder: 50 g, 100 g, 250 g, 500 g & 1 kg

CFU or Spores (a.i) of Bio-jodi seen under microscope

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