Multiplex Metarhizium

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Sold by shree ram

Rs240.00 /1
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  •  Metarhizium produces several secondary metabolites acting as mycotoxins (Insecticidal toxins)
  • One such Mycotoxin such a destruxin E, which is considered as next generation insecticide against many pests like Aphids, Moths and Larve.
  • Helps in production of toxic free food.


Active Ingredients

  • Metarhizium anisopliae (Min. 1x108 CFU /ml for Liquid Based & min. 1x 108 CFU /gm in Carrier Based)

Mode of Action

  • Metarhizium anisopliae on contact of insect body, the infective spores start germinating and then the germ tube penetrate directly into the body of host insects. After entering into insect body fluid fungus proliferates profusely throughout the insect body and producing toxins metabolites which stops feeding of the insect and slowly paralyze and then kills the host insect.
  • The whole process takes about 4 to 5 days.
  • Once the insect gets killed, the body become very hard and afterwards fungus grows through the softer part of the cuticle with a thin layer of green mold, known as Green Muscardine disease.

Target Pests  

  • Root Grubs, Ants, Root Weevils, Termites, Locusts, Sucking and Caterpillar pests.

Target Crops

  • Sugarcane, Rice, Pulses and Vegetables.

Dosage & Methods of Application

  • For Liquid Based: 2 liters per acre
  • For Carrier Based: 5 kg per acre
  • Soil Application: 5 kg or 2 liters of Multiplex Metarhizium should be mixed thoroughly with 250 kg FYM in shaded area in the field and incubated for 15 days with intermittent sprinkling of water. After 15 days, the fungus enriched Farmyard manure should be used as soil application.
  • Foliar Spray: Mix 2 to 3 ml or 5 gm of Metarhizium in one liter of water and spray the suspension over the pant for 2 to 3 times at 15 days intervals.
  • Nursery: Dissolve 1 ml or 3 gm of Metarhizium in one liter & drench the nursery bed.


  • For better result, spraying of Metarhizium should be initiated when pest population are at low level of infestation.
  • Metarhizium should not be mixed with any hazardous chemicals.

Available Package

  • Liquid: 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml & 1 Ltr
  • Powder: 500 g & 1 kg

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