Multiplex Multiprom

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Sold by shree ram

Rs840.00 /1
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  • Fine particles of inorganic rock phosphate in Multiplex MultiProm enhances its agronomic efficiency
  • Organic Manure component in Multiplex MultiProm can prevent ions of other elements from converting phosphorus to insoluble and unavailable form
  • Increases beneficial microbial diversity in the soil.
  • Beneficial Microorganisms in MultiProm produces essential growth hormones like gibberellins, auxins, vitamins, that are vital for the plant growth and development
  • Helps in the amendment of problematic soils like Acid and Saline Soils
  • Multiplex MultiProm also supplements other nutrients like Copper, Zinc Iron, calcium and Magnesium
  • Multiplex MultiProm provides better plant growth and improves yield both by quality    and quantity.


Active Ingredients

  • Organic Carbon 10.00 %, total Nitrogen (as N) 0.4% and total Phosphates (as P2O5) 8.00 % by weight with C:N Ratio of less than 20:1

Mode of Action

  • MultiProm is a blend of Organic Manure, Inorganic Phosphate fertilizer and Biofertilizer which supplies Phosphorus to Plant.
  • In addition phosphorus solubilizing bacteria produces organic acids that solubilizes unavailable fixed phosphorus present in both acid and alkaline soils and makes it available to plants for a prolonged period even to the consecutive crop.

Target Crops

  • All Crops

Dosage & Methods of Application

  • 25 Kg per acre After final land preparation broadcast 25 kg of MultiProm over an acre before sowing or transplanting/ planting.

Available Package

  • 10 kg & 25 kg.

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