Multiplex Safe Root

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Sold by shree ram

Rs445.00 /1
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  • Controls most of soil borne nematodes plant parasitic nematodes (PPN)
  • Helps in healthy roots formation which will absorb plant nutrients & water as and when required by plant.
  • This will lead to healthy plant growth which in turn will result in increased yield.


Active Ingredients

  • Trichoderma harzianum 1.0% WP (Min. 2 x 106 CFU /gm in Carrier Based)

Mode of Action

  • Safe Root produce a substance that act on the eggs, adults & freeliving stages of plant nematodes causing deformations and loss of movement & also saferoot is able to penetrate the egg to grow inside and destroy the embryo.

Target Pests

  • All kinds of plant parasitic nematodes mainly Root-knot nematodes. Reniform nematodes, Cyst nematodes, Lesion nematodes. Burrowing nematodes, Citrus nematodes, Potato cyst nematodes etc.,

Target Crops

  • All vegetables, Field crops, Fruits & plantation crops including Solanaceous vegetables, Banana, Pomegranate, Tobacco, soybean, potato, tomato, cotton & Tuber crops

Dosage & Methods of Application

  • 2 to 5 kg per acre
  • Seed Treatment: Coat the Safe root at the rate of 10 to 20 gm per kg of seed before sowing
  • Drenching: Mix 2 kg in 200 litres of water and drench the solution to base of the plant with 1 to 2 litres per tree. Repeat the drenching after 15 days.
  • Soil Application: For one acre mix about 2 to 5 kg with 100 kgs of Multiplex Annapurna /500 kg well decomposed compost broadcast in the field.
  • Pit Application: For plantation crops apply 25 grams of safe root in the pit before planting. After planting, about 25 grams of safe root can be mixed with 2 kg compost and sprinkle around the plant in the soil.


  • Controls most of soil borne nematodes plant parasitic nematodes (PPN)
  • Helps in healthy roots formation which will absorb plant nutrients & water as and when required by plant.
  • This will lead to healthy plant growth which in turn will result in increased yield.

Available Package

  • 50 g, 100 g, 250 g, 500 g & 1 kg

Brinjal plant: Infected root vs Saferoot treated root

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