Multiplex Soldier

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Sold by shree ram

Rs960.00 /1
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  • It is Eco-friendly and is a broad spectrum biopesticide
  • Entomopathogenic nematodes fit nicely into integrated pest management or IPM programs because they are considered nontoxic to humans
  • It does not allow insects to develop resistance or resurgence of pests.
  • It persists in the soil after application and survive in moist soil without food for several months and once again become active on finding host.
  • It is cruisers and are highly aggressive active, generally subterranean, moving significant distances using volatile cues and other methods to find their host underground.
  • It helps in good root growth by killing root damaging insects and which in turn helps the plant for better absorption of water and nutrients from the soil resulting in good luxuriant growth and better yields.


Active Ingredients

  • Heterorhabditis indica

Mode of Action

  • This is novel product Multiplex Soldier contains microscopic lakhs of infective juveniles of Entomopathogenic nematode symbiotically associated with bacteria locate their host in response to carbon dioxide, vibration, and other chemical cues after entering the body of the target insect through mouth, anus, or respiratory inlets. Once in the insect’s blood, infective juvenile releases a highly specialised symbiotic bacterium (Photorhabdus spp).
  • These symbiotic bacteria multiply and rapidly kill the insect within a day or two, later nematode’s feed on dead insect and reproduce in it.

Target Pests

  • White Grubs, Borers, Root Grubs, Weevils and Cutworms

Dosage & Methods of Application

  • Quantity required for different crops are as follows
  • Main Field/ Soil Application: Tea-5 kg/ acre, Sugarcane-2 to 5 kg/ acre
  • Field Crops: 2 to 5 kg/ acre
  • Plantation & Fruit Crops: 5 to 25 g/ plant For Arecanut & Coconut 25g/ tree Mix Multiplex Soldier with moist soil/ well decomposed FYM/ Annapurna & broad cast over one acre.

Available Package

  • 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm & 1 kg.

EPNs microscopic view & Healthy grub vs EPNs infected grub

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