Multiplex Sparsha Liquid

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Sold by shree ram

Rs750.00 /1
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  • It effectively controls soil borne pathogens causing Bacterial and fungal wilts
  • Suppresses the plant parasitic nematodes specifically Root-knot nematodes infecting Tomato and Okra.
  • Pseudomonas fluorescens is also called as PGPR (Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria) as it enhances plant growth and yield significantly.
  • Triggers the natural immunity in the plants.


Active Ingredients

  • Pseudomonas fluorescens (Min. 1x108 CFU /ml for Liquid Based & min. 1 x 108 CFU /gm for Carrier Based)

Mode of Action

  • The mechanism of suppression is done by competition of nutrients or chemical antibiosis where the total ecosystem gets modified in favor of beneficial microbes by producing certain secondary metabolites and resulting into depletion of pathogenic fungal and bacterial population.
  • Besides, Pseudomonas fluorescens also helps to enhance the availability of chelated iron in the rhizosphere which builds up plant innate immunity to fight against pathogens, known as ISR (Induced systemic resistance)

Target Crops

  • Cereals, Vegetables, Pulses, Oilseeds, spice crops, plantations crops, horticulture crops etc.

Dosage & Methods of Application

  • For Liquid Based: 2 liters per acre
  • For Carrier Based: 5 kg per acre
  • Foliar Spray: Mix 2 to 3 ml / 5 gm of Sparsha in one liter of water. This solution should be sprayed using knapsack sprayer or any other conventional sprayer 2 to 3 times at 15 days intervals.
  • Seed Treatment: Treat the seeds with Multiplex Sparsha at the rate of 5 ml or 20 gm/ kg of seeds.
  • Nursery Beds Treatment: Treat the beds with Multiplex Sparsha at the rate of 10 ml or 50 gm/ sq.m.
  • Seedling Dipping: Mix 10ml/ 50gm of Sparsha in one liter of water and dip the seedlings for 10 min & then transplant.
  • Main Field/ Soil Application (Powder Formulation): Apply Multiplex Sparsha at the rate of 2 litres or 5 kg/ acre along with enriched FYM or Multiplex Annapurna at the rate of 120 to 150 kg / acre to the soil before transplanting.

Available Package

  • Liquid: 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Ltr, 5 Ltr
  • Powder: 500 gram, 1 kg & 4 kg

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